11 April 2012

What is a "Web Piskie" you ask?

In my case, being the B-town Web Piskie means that I am in charge of updating Bordertownseries.com, and also the brand-spanking-new B-town Tumblr.

I am relatively new to the world of Tumblr, this I admit. But part of the joy of the last few days has been surfing #Bordertown tagged content, and finding all the fan comments on both Welcome to Bordertown and The Bordertown Series, created by Terri Windling.

Keep spreading the love! And if you have a tumblr, please follow the B-Town Blog, and feel free to reblog! Think of us as noobs with the dust of the world still fresh behind our ears. We need some Diggers to show us the Way around town.

In the meantime, keep checking Bordertownseries.com as we're adding content practically daily, and I'm sprucing the place up with new pretties all the time. Soon Trader's Heaven will be jam packed with new B-town swag (I cannot tell you how long I have wanted a Khandromas tee-shirt, and how thrilled I am that I will soon be able to have one of my very own), new extras like desktop wallpaper and icons, and the Bring a Friend to Bordertown contest is well udnerway, with some AMAZING entries thus far!

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