My neighbour was invited to a Verisign shindig at Navy Pier tonight, and being a nice neighbour who knew I was a fellow web geek, invited me to come along since they had free food and an open bar. I loaded up a plate of hors d'ouvres and being me, manged to sit down next to a guy who turned out to have been a grammar school classmate of mine from 3rd grade whom I had not seen in 22 years. (waves to Carlos).
I swear, the universe is roughly the size of a grapefruit, and has 8 people in it.
For Father's Day, my Judy asked my Poppy what he most wanted, and he replied a trip to Chicago, so I had a lovely 3 days with my father, who came and stayed with me and ate black bean chili and spent Monday logged in in my dining room, emailing me updates for in between helping me job hunt and introducing me to friends in the travel industry. He also bought me as a pressie a new air conditioner for my bedroom which he even installed (it had roughly 322 parts), which luckily I have not had to use yet as the weather in Chicago has been beautiful and stunning beyond compare. But as soon as it hits the 90°s I'm sooooooo turning that puppy on, since the last time it got hot and humid (a few weeks ago) I slept hardly at all.
In other news, my Angel article will not run in July after all, but at a later date. And I get paid upon publication, which means I'll be living leaner(er) in July. But tickets for Writercon are bought and paid for thanks to the concom's scholarship programme, and I'm hugely looking forward to my very first trip to the Vegas, even tho I most likely will not be able to go to Star Trek: The Experience while I am there, due to lack of funds. However, unca neil will kill me if I don't at least try to score Penn & Teller tickets, assuming of course that there are in fact P&T tickets to be had. So that may happen. Or not. we shall see. One would hope I'm gainfully employed by August.
Lastly, my fabulous cousin Becky is pregnant with twins (squeee!) after much difficulty, and I am so excited I cannot tell you. I shall be the Crazy Aunt Tara who takes them to fund palces and buys them books to read and strange stuffed animals (ask Missy about The Chicken if you don't believe me) and possibly takes them to the Zoo once they are old enough to appreciate live monkeys.
And now, bed, as it is almost midnight and I might perhaps be just a bit tipsy, thanks to the open bar at the shindig.
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